Friday, December 16, 2016

Malaysia Travel / 딤섬로드 Dim Sum Road Recommended, and Attractions Mid Valley's Dim Sum / popular Dim Sum restrant in KOREA

*related posts (Korea blog)

this blog introduces Korean culture to Asian friends and introduce to Korean friends Asian culture.
so it is operated with Korean blog.

today i introduce popular Dim Sum place in Malaysia.
also popular Dim Sum place in Korea.

local friends say. rainning day want tp go this Dim Sum restrant.

this dim sum road is after drink many young peoples come.
business hour is until 6am.

When you sit down,  bring that big basket.

배가고파서 풀이라도 뜯어먹을수 있을것같은날 나는 친구의 안내로 딤섬집이 몰려있는 그런 곳에 갔어요.몬키아라 제가 머물고 있는곳에서 그리 멀지않은 곳이에요 우얼~~~진짜진짜 딤섬집이 연달아 몇개가 쭈욱 있다눈 사람들은 꽉 차있고 ,이곳은 새벽6시까지 영업합니다.불금,불토에 제가 젊은 친구들 파티후 해장을 하기위해 오는 곳이 라고 하는데요.오늘은 딤섬집 탐방 ㅋㅋㅋ

일단 자리를 잡고 앉으면 
저 커다란 바구니를 가지고 와요~

we can choice my favorite ones.
price is just 3RM around..very cheap

also I introduce very famous Dim Sum restrant in Korea.
location is in Yangjaedong,Gangnam,Seoul
the name is 'BRUCE LEE'

그중에 먹고 싶은 것을 고르면 됩니다.
가격은 뭐 3링깃선에서 왔다갔다하니
엄청 저렴하죠.

한국에는 강남 양재동에 유명한 딤섬 레스토랑이 있는데요.
이름은 bruce lee

already famous in korea.
almost menu price is 8,000 won

clean and tasty but differetn feel.
when we came to malaysia as holiday.
we choice night market, local place feeling and etc...

and come to oversea again.
here is a franchise dim sum restaurant located next to the food courts of Mid Valley shopping mall,The Mid Valley is tourist attraction. It is also in Singapore and China.

그리고 다시 해외로 넘어와서, 이곳은,관광객들의 명소 대형쇼핑몰 미드밸리(Mid valley shopping mall) 푸드코트 옆에 위치한, 프랜차이즈 딤섬 레스토랑.싱가폴과 중국에도 있다고 해요.

Warm Chinese tea was impressive with clean setting.

all menu very tasty

This is korea style 'JJAJANGMEUN' ??

Fry rice also nice.

We had three persons on this day and shared four menus. 
The price is 70 RM?
It is a little more than 20,000 won.

And the dim sum load that I introduce today ..
 charm of the night market

This is a local feeling!!

About 50 RM  when you eat it? Korean money 15,000 won ..
Let's see the menu~~

Today's Choice !!
I did not pick a lot today.
Because ... This dim sum house sells other dishes such as fried rice, noodles, and dumplings.
I ordered fry rice too.

2nd round!!!

I just take more dim sum

I most like Shrimp Dim Sum
Soft and soft...

In this shop atmosphere
Here you can see the feeling of the night market where the seats are laid out on the outside

Pao is like Korean bread, wangmandu.
i want to take a away but patience..

I will come again hehehe

[출처] 말레이시아여행/딤섬로드야식추천,그리고 관광

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